ELITREE Ltd. is located in the area of Peloponnesus and specifically in the prefecture of Ileia.
All its olive trees are in the holy land of Ancient Olympia which gives one of the leading olive oils with a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication, PGI-Olympia).
Elitree’s olive oil possesses a powerful antioxidant action and a high concentration of “elaiokanthali”, a natural pharmaceutical substance found in the olive oil and is responsible for the good health of the heart.
The fruit is gathered by hand while the production procedure of cold pressure takes place in extreme caution so that the olive oil preserves its pharmaceutical qualities, its exquisite taste and magnificent flavor.
All the above contribute so that “Elitree P.G.I. Olympia” is not merely a common olive oil but a natural medicine, an elixir of life!
Additional Info
- Acidity: Low acidity below 0.3 %
- Classification: P.G.I - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Place of origin: Mountainous areas of Ancient Olympia - Peloponnesus
- Ingredients/Physical characteristics: P.G.I Extra virgin olive oil with delicate fruity taste, gently scented and deep, limpid green colour
- Packaging: Our oil is bottled in a specially coated 250 ml glass bottle that protects our product from heat and radiation ret
- Net weight: 250ml
- Gross weight: 505 gr
- Package: 24 bottles x 250ml
- Euro palette: 50 Cases