Vasilis Demos and Sotiris Marras ...
Two young and dynamic greek businessmen, raised on the fringes of Ancient Olympia.
Among the olive-trees that turn back time some 150 years back, when the Greek state wasn’t stretching far more than Peloponnesus, when people withstood hunger, lived through and carried on with the blessings of the Greek land.
When the vision becomes faith...
When dreams of the land become enjoyment for its people.
At the slopes of ancient hills, overseeing holy Games of centuries bygone, our olive-trees blossom.
There we found ourselves playing as children, beneath their shadows we rested.
The warm, sunbathed land protects the olive and caresses our products.
The Peloponnesian land...
Fertile and generous over the centuries.
Our grandfather’s experience, our father’s care and our own love and attention, combined with technological advances, are on our side.
The authenticity of the old, the charm of the modern.
In Peloponnesus there’s a celebration of the land. Grapes, citrus fruits, honey, flowers, olives.
A symphony of fertility.
And Man, God’s little helper, caretaker, seeder and receiver of the unique prolificacy, delicious taste and nutritiousness of land’s products.
At the slopes of Ancient Olympia, brown-green slopes of century-old olive trees.
This holy, sacred tree, of use from pit to trunk, fed us, lighted us, warmed us, kept us going through the Ages.
The sun, the air, the sea breeze that flows through the land are responsible for the robustness of the earth.
She in turn gives back the epitome of the mediterrranean food, the scientiicay held as the healthiest of nutritions.

Εγώ στη θέση της Παρθένου θα 'βαζα κληματόφυλλα! Και μιαν ιδέα ελαίας
Οδυσσέας Ελύτης
Trees are carefully watched at all times and attended with the most advanced crop techniques thus enabling us to produce olive oil and olive fruit of the highest order.
Harvesting of the fruit is tended with sticks so as the least injury for the tree is ensured.
Our trees present us with outstanding fruit quality and the techniques used secure an extra virgin oil of very low (< 0.3%) acidity.
Harvesting takes place in the November-January period and our «koroneiki» variety is a product of a careful, expertly executed procedure of cold pressing the olives in order to avoid loss of nutritional value.
Benefiting from this, the result gives a fruity, gently scented oil that caresses your palate.
Our 500ml specially coated bottles protect oil from hostile lighting conditions keeping it fresh, transparent and nutritious as precisely the day of the packaging.
Our extra virgin oil owes to the strictest handpicking of the finest, unspoiled by sun or adversities, fruits.
It is because of that it’s selected and distributed in numbered quantities and not packaged to larger than 500ml bottling.